Q is for Quiet

Q is for Quiet.

We live in a world where it is getting harder and harder to be in a space where it is quiet. Where our minds are quiet and our souls can be still. We are surrounded and consumed by noise, background noise, and internal noise. Quiet has become uncomfortable and noise has become a state of being. 

Being alone in the quiet can be terrifying.

Being with others in the quiet can be awkward.

But it is often in the quiet, when we are able to hear our Truth.

If we do not allow time and space for quiet in our lives,

The noise will overwhelm us and overtake us.

In the quiet, we can reconnect with who we are, what we believe in, and what matters to us. The quiet allows us space to explore, face our fears, and embrace who we really are. Be intentional about turning down the noise in your life so you can hear what your heart is whispering to you.


R is for Relationships


P is for Passion